As part of Seventh Grade’s study of South and Central Asia through Investigating History, Dr. Bishnu Maya Pariyar brought the curriculum to life by speaking about her life experiences and how she has worked to fight for change.
Congratulations to Brennan's Students of the Month for December. These students routinely show that they #dotherightthing!
Due to driving conditions anticipated tomorrow morning, APS will delay its opening by two hours on Monday, January 8, 2024.
High School: 8:45 AM
Middle Schools: 9:40 AM
Elementary Schools: 10:30 AM
No AM Preschool
ABACUS opens at 8:30 AM
Please use the link below to read this week's Brennan Family Update.
Please enjoy some highlights of today's pep rally and staff contest winner!
BMS: Due to the power outage, there will be no school at Brennan Middle School today, Tuesday, December 19, 2023.
The APS Welcome Center will be closed December 22, 2023-January 1, 2024. We will reopen on January 2, 2023 at 8:00 AM.
Brennan's Student Council helped load the boxes of donations to the Mayor's Food Drive when they were picked up today. Thank you for all your donations!
DoubleACS recorded Brennan's Winter Band & Chorus Concert. Please use the link below to watch the show!
Next Week is a Student Council Spirit Week!
Monday: Teacher/Student Swap Day - students dress as teachers & teachers dress as students!
Tuesday: Pajama Day - please wear appropriate footwear
Wednesday: Twin or Multiples Day - find a classmate or two and dress alike!
Thursday: Pep Rally - Color Wars! Grades 5 & 7 wear Green, Grades 6 & 8 wear blue.
Upcoming Brennan Student Council Events:
December 11th-15th - Candy Grams are being sold for $1 during lunches
Spirit Week December 18th-21st
Monday 12.18 - Teacher/Student Swap Day
Tuesday 12.19 - Pajama Day
Wednesday 12.20 - Twin (or Multiples) Day
Thursday 12.21 - Color Wars & Pep Rally (Grades 5 & 7 wear green, Grades 6&8 wear blue)
Winter Concert, AHS Football Captains Visit, and Special Olympics Photos
BOP is holding a Winter Wear Drive. They are accepting donations of new or gently used winter coats, hats, gloves, mittens and other winter wear items. A collection bin is located in Brennan's main lobby.
Just a reminder, Brennan's Band and Chorus Winter Concert is tonight, Wednesday, December 6th. Doors open at 6:00, show starts at 6:30.
Unfortunately, BOP's Winter Raffle scheduled for Friday, December 8th has been cancelled. Another event will be planned for spring.
Brennan's Winter Band & Chorus Concert is Wednesday, December 6th at 6:30 PM in the cafetourium. We hope to see you there!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no after-school clubs on Tuesday, December 5th.
BOP's Holiday Raffle will be held December 8th from 6:30-8:00 in the Brennan cafetorium.
Don't forget Brennan's Talent Show - tonight at 6 pm in the Brennan Cafeteria. Tickets to be sold at the door. $5 for adults, $3 for students.
Students in Mrs. Chetlen's STEAM class were actively engaged as they made "Elephant Toothpaste" today!