Students in Ms. Fisher's class engineered leprechaun traps. The leprechauns weren't tricked! Maybe next year!
almost 2 years ago, Julie O'Boyle
Leprechaun traps
Leprechaun shenanigans
Congratulations to Brennan's MATHCOUNTS team! They represented BMS at the State Competition. Way to go, Mathletes!
almost 2 years ago, Julie O'Boyle
Mrs. Porter and Brennan Mathletes
In an effort to return our elementary students home before conditions become unsafe, APS will dismiss early today, Tuesday, March 14, 2023. The early dismissal times are as follows: High School: 10:50 AM Middle School: 11:30 AM Elementary School: 12:25 PM The Early Learning Center will be closed - no AM or PM preschool. The ABACUS program will close two hours after dismissal.
almost 2 years ago, APS
Congratulations to Mrs. Schachne, Massachusetts VFW Teacher of the Year!
almost 2 years ago, Julie O'Boyle
Mrs. Schachne & VFW Members
Mrs. Schachne & VFW Members
Mrs. Schachne & VFW Members
We are closely monitoring the weather for tomorrow, March 14, 2023 and remain committed to delivering a full day of school as scheduled. However, the forecasted switch from rain to snow at midday presents a notable concern. Please be ready in case the timeline accelerates or conditions worsen and we need to call an early dismissal.
almost 2 years ago, APS
Book-Fair, THIS Week at Brennan Middle School (3/6-3/10) Don't forget to encourage your Brennan student(s) to check out the book-fair in the Brennan library. :)
almost 2 years ago, Arnold Chamanlal
Book Fair
WINGMASTERS (with Jim Parks) is coming back to Brennan Middle School on March 29th to visit with our 5th Grade Students. Mr. Parks will visit with numerous local "Birds or Prey" to discuss and explore their habitats, adaptations, and their contributions to our ecosystem(s). "This Program is supported in part by a grant from the Attleboro Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency."
almost 2 years ago, Arnold Chamanlal
The Book Fair is returning to Brennan Middle School NEXT WEEK (March 6th -March 10th)!!!!!!!! Students who are interested in purchasing books (and other applicable school related items) will have an opportunity to do so next week.
almost 2 years ago, Arnold Chamanlal
Book Fair
Due to the timing and expected snow accumulation associated with tomorrow’s storm, Attleboro Public Schools will be closed Tuesday, February 28.
almost 2 years ago, APS
Welcome back to all Brennan Students, Teachers, and Caretakers. We hope you had an AMAZING February break :)
almost 2 years ago, Arnold Chamanlal
Hello Brennan Families. A friendly reminder that tomorrow (2.17.23) is a HALF-DAY for all Brennan students (Dismissal at 11:28am). Please plan accordingly in picking-up and receiving your child/ren from the Brennan campus :)
almost 2 years ago, Arnold Chamanlal
half day
You're invited to A Night to Discover: APS Student Learning and Community Partnership Showcase on March 7, 2023, from 6:00-7:30PM. Join APS students, families, staff, and community organizations as students from throughout the district display their learning experiences and local community resources share information about their services and programs.
almost 2 years ago, Welcome Center
A Night to Discover
Congratulations to Brennan Middle School for taking 2nd place in this year's Mathcounts Competition!!!! State Competition is next, so look out!!! Brennan Middle school is coming for that title!
almost 2 years ago, Arnold Chamanlal
2nd place
the crew
the team
silly 😛
The Attleboro Area Industrial Museum is announcing a new STEM initiative sponsored by a grant from the Roddy Foundation in collaboration with the Attleboro Public Schools. The pilot program is geared toward students in grades 6-8 from any surrounding communities. The drop-in Make and Take program will be offered on Monday, February 13 from 3:00-5:00, with additional programs in March to be announced. The program is being offered free of charge and is on a first come, first served basis. Please register at "Make and Take Event". Parents/guardians are required to stay with their child. Look for more news on an exciting STEM workshop being offered during April school vacation!
almost 2 years ago, APS
Do you know anyone with school age children ready for Kindergarten for next year? The Attleboro Public Schools is pleased to host Kindergarten Information Night on March 2, 2023. This evening provides information on how to enroll students for Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. Please share Kindergarten Information Night with neighbors, friends and family! More information can be found on the Welcome Center Website.
almost 2 years ago, Welcome Center
K information night flier
K information night flier
K information night flier
Please join us for Blue Pride Night at 6:00 PM tomorrow, February 8 (@ AHS). Come see what the excitement is all about. #thisisattleboro
almost 2 years ago, Kim Janssen
Blue Pride
Grade 5 Students worked with Mass Audubon's Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary to design and create their own water filters to mimic how wetlands and soil work and to see their importance in communities.
almost 2 years ago, Julie O'Boyle
Students testing water filters they created
Students testing water filters they created
Attleboro Public Schools has received word that there is an unexpected issue with the publishing of middle school progress reports on Aspen. When the issue has been resolved families will be notified.
almost 2 years ago, Julie O'Boyle
Dear Parents and Guardians of 8th Grade Students, On Wednesday, February 8th, from 6 - 8 PM, Attleboro High School, will be holding their annual Blue Pride and Welcome 2027 Night. You will be able to learn about the various offerings at Attleboro High, and there will be performances by the band and chorus. Please feel free to browse the high-school department's website, containing course descriptions and ensemble information. You may also fill out the high-school's information request form to learn more about our various offerings. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Attleboro High School at (508) 222- 5150 ext. 28100 or email .
almost 2 years ago, Arnold Chamanlal
Blue Pride Night
Due to the inclement weather forecasted for this evening, we are postponing Blue Pride Night. We are tentatively planning to reschedule the event for Wednesday, February 8.
almost 2 years ago, Kim Janssen